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Chiric Sanango tincture

Chiric Sanango tincture

Dry leaves of chiric sanango in alcohol

Chiric Sanango (Brunfelsia grandiflora) also know as Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. Chiric Sanango grows naturally in the upper Amazon basin, including our property. The word “Chiric” in Quechua means ‘itchy’ or ‘tickling’, which refers to the peppery sensation of the brew when being swallowed. The shamans of the Amazon prescribe this root for colds and arthritis. It has been said to help heal a broken heart or cool down an enraged or jealous heart. It has also been said to cultivate a higher sense of Self or ‘self-esteem’ and confidence. It aids in emotional healing and provides a greater sense of mental clarity.



  • Emotional Healing
  • Increased Self Esteem and Mental Clarity
  • Treat fevers, cold and flu
  • Strengthening bones
  • Fight against wounds and inflammations
  • Effective against rheumatism and arthritis
  • Nervous system support


Use: Start by taking one drop a day and go up until 8 drops a day then stop.

Take on an empty stomach, don’t eat until 1 hour has passed.

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